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Anecoop Bodegas 的葡萄酒品質在主要的國際葡萄酒大賽中得到認可,其特性贏得了西班牙和國外最負盛名的葡萄酒評論家的青睞。




Venta del Puerto number 12

Venta del Puerto number 12

Venta del Puerto number 18

Venta del Puerto number 18


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El Escoces Volante(By M.W Norrel Robertson)

Family owned business based in Aragon, Spain, passionate about producing high quality wine with a particular focus on native grape variety.

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Bodegas San Martín

Bodegas San Martin is the second oldest cooperative in Navarre. Grapes grown with sufficient rain and sunlight, and winds which air the vineyards.

Bodegas San Martin是納瓦拉歷史第二悠久的葡萄酒合作社。納瓦拉雨水、微風和陽光充足讓酒莊通風良好,非常適合種植紅葡萄。

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La Vina

Founded in 1945, Bodega La Viña is an avant-garde wine company, and is one of the leading wineries in the Valencia P.D.O. In 2004, it won the award for the Best Farming Cooperative from the Valencian Regional Government.
Located in the Valencian town of La Font de la Figuera, its superb location on the edge of the provinces of Valencia, Alicante and Albacete, between the Mediterranean and the Meseta plateau, gives its wines character, thanks to the sun, sea breeze, dry climate, cold winters and altitude.

Bodega La Viña成立於1945年,是一家前衛的葡萄酒公司,也是華倫西亞自治區(Valencia P.D.O)的領先釀酒廠之一。 於2004年,它更獲得了華倫西亞自治區政府頒發的``最佳農業合作社獎''。坐落在華倫西亞小鎮,位於華倫西亞,阿利坎特和阿爾瓦塞特省之間的拉豐特德拉菲格拉(La Font de la Figuera),地處地中海和梅塞塔高原之間,得益於陽光,海風,乾燥的氣候候,寒冷的冬季和海拔,賦與了當地葡萄酒特色。

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Bodegas Reymos

Founded in 1918, Bodegas Reymos was the first wine cooperative to be set up in Valencia, and is one of the oldest wine cooperatives in Spain.
It is located in the Valencian town of Cheste, an area whose average altitude is 218 metres above sea level, and whose microclimate, soil conditions and proximity to the sea, make it ideal for growing and developing the Muscat of Alexandria grape variety

Bodegas Reymos成立於1918年,是在華倫西亞成立的第一家葡萄酒合作社,同時亦是西班牙最古老的葡萄酒合作社之一。
Bodegas Reymos是在西班牙種植亞歷山大麝香葡萄的領先生產者。



2013 年 4 月,經過在亞洲市場的十多年經驗,Anecoop 在香港開設了辦事處,與當地合作夥伴一起在整個大陸銷售葡萄酒。這使我們更多地了解並調整其產品以適應這個高要求的市場。


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